This is something which I discovered recently. Sometimes, we can oppress our own bodies, in terms of what we eat/or fail to eat, the way our own mental construction of ourselves causes us to neglect sometimes even eating, or because of work. In failing to eat, or failing to eat properly, we oppress our bodies, and then it cries out when we fall ill, or suffer from eating disorders.
In a slightly different way, we also oppress our own souls, when we are hard on ourselves for a course of action we took, or a decision we made; we need not be. Mistakes are there in life to be learnt from, dwelt upon. By dwelling upon a mistake, we sink even deeper, dig ourselves into bigger holes, and are unable to climb out. My reflecting on our mistakes, we are able to those crucial steps away from it, are able to build and delevop ourselves as a result of it, and are able to seek forgiveness from our Creator, and the people on the earth whom we have harmed, injured, or offended.
In terms of our minds, as human begins, we want so much to reach our full potential; to be all that we can be. Sometimes, our wish to do this, can cause us to take on too much information, to try and learn too much. This causes a tightness in the chest, and one may experience difficulties to even breath. What we need to be able to do as human beings is, at times relax. To take a breather, and do something which the mind enjoys. This will vary between different people, but what is important is that we do that which causes the mind to feel relaxed, and happy. Just some random thoughts I wanted to share.
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