I find it so incredibly shocking, and it saddens me to such a great degree, that I have decided to post a comment reflecting on my feelings in regard to the sadness which I have seen felt by people who are, in my view, great individuals who deserve the highest level of respect, honour, and admiration. When we, the lay individuals of society feel some pain, sadness, or even a sense of sorrow, we accept it. Reflecting on our own faults, we draw the conclusion that we probably deserved it in some way, and find a way of getting over the pain. Such is the normal cycle of the world, we tell ourselves, and try and move on.
When, however, we find people who we have such a veneration and respect for being treated in a horrible manner, it is difficult to make sense of it. I am not following the misconcieved principle that some people are perfect, but I do believe that there are certain individuals who of such potential, and possess such a level of 'amazingosity' (a new term for the Oxford English Dictionary), that we don't care if they do have the tiniest faults. It has saddened me to such a great degree to hear of individuals who I believe make the world a better place, who fill the earth with radiance and sunshine, to have been treated like dirt by others. How is it possible, for a person to be so hurtful to such amazing people?
I do not wish to sound like an alarmist, but I fear that the world is becoming a worser place than it had been 20 years ago. Morality and manners seem to be increasingly replaced with a focus on hedonistic pleasure and immorality, even if we do harm others in the way. It is so sad that people who have the such promise are being treated in such a way that their aspirations, hopes, and dreams are affected. It is not right.
The only solace we can draw, I suppose, is from the notion that 'what goes around, comes around.' These people will, to use the much-used phrase, 'get their just desserts', and will realise just how wrong they had been, just how hurtful they had been, to another individual. I only hope we are around to see it.
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